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NYISO outcry raises wider bulk power market organization: EnergyWashington Week article from Aug 27, 2008.
NEM meeting 2008: Texas competition; FERC and CFTC teamwork: Restructuring Today articles from April 30, 2008.
When is a Retail Market Workably Competitive?: Restructuring Today Article from September 25, 2006.
What Risks Will NYSEG Really Take? - If Any?: Restructuring Today Article from August 25, 2006.
2006 NEM Leadership: NEM Leadership and Policy Chairs
Goodman Asks NYPSC for Price Comparisons: Restructuring Today Article from August 1, 2006.
From the Halls of the NEM Meeting: Restructuring Today Article from August 1, 2006.
New Trend at NEM Executive Meeting in Chicago: Restructuring Today Article from July 27, 2006.
Wal-Mart Joins NEM: Restructuring Today Article from June 14, 2006.
Goodman Stays Extra Week in Estonia: Restructuring Today Article from June 5, 2006.
Goodman Talks in Estonia: Restructuring Today Article from May 25, 2006.
Counsel advises NEMA to use Motown's economic ills.: Restructuring Today - April 28, 2006
What to tell the press when talking about price spikes.: Restructuring Today - April 27, 2006
ICC's Wright Urges RTO's to promote value or lose backing.: Restructuring Today - April 27, 2006
Who's to Blame if a Retail Market Fails?: Restructuring Today - April 27, 2006
Can 5 States Get Together to OK a Grid?: Restructuring Today - April 26, 2006
Politics is Everywhere, say state regulators.: Restructuring Today - April 26, 2006
Goodman Calls WGES Hero of MD, DE Market.: Restructuring Today - April 26, 2006
Ralph Hall Takes on President Bush about oil.: Restructuring Today - April 26, 2006
Marketers ask NY to keep BPL competitive in concept: Restructuring Today - March 17, 2006
NEMA favors market pricing for Maryland: Restructuring Today - March 6, 2006
What if frozen rates expire at a bad time?: Restructuring Today - February 21, 2006
BG&E rate freeze to end, PSC seeks market method: Restructuring Today - January 13, 2006
Massachusetts picks protection for its people but at a cost: Restructuring Today - January 4, 2006
NEMA senses 2006 will be the year for markets: Restructuring Today - January 4, 2006
NEMA: Power markets need to value demand response: Restructuring Today - December 21, 2005
NYSEG wants PSC Chairman Flynn out of its rate case now : Restructuring Today - November 16, 2005
NEMA has pat on back for Pennsylvania PUC's action: Restructuring Today - November 4, 2005
Advanced meters give marketers shot at getting new customers: Restructuring Today - October 24, 2005
Marketers see price spikes as threat to open markets: Restructuring Today - October 21, 2005
NY's Flynn tells marketers to sell better than now: Restructuring Today - October 21, 2005
GOODMAN: Energy prices are window for proving competition’s : Restructuring Today - October 4, 2005
Meter that allows smallest to respond to price movement: Restructuring Today - September 26, 2005
NEMA asks NYPSC to avoid complicated referral program: Restructuring Today - September 12, 2005
NEMA attacks Energy East plan to continue bundled rate: Restructuring Today - August 1, 2005
How do marketers rank state markets?: Restructuring Today - July 20, 2005
Meet Bill Kinneary, new top executive of NEMA: Restructuring Today - July 15, 2005
PJM promises to find an accord with critics: Restructuring Today - July 12, 2005
NEM Calls CH Plan Progressive, Market-Based Policy: Restructuring Today: "New york PSC OKs Central Hudson Plan to Boost Shopping"
Positive Outlook for Competitive Energy Markets: Business Week: "Restructuring Natural Gas and Electricity Markets"
NEM on Proper Bill Unbundling When Utils Purch Receivables: Restructuring Today: "NEMA Wants ConEd Bill Unbundling Done Right"
Goodman on Implications of BPL for Energy Markets: Restructuring Today: "Energy Competition Veteran Hails Powell/Wood Leadership: BPL Changes Value of Electrons"
NEM Recommendations for Pennsylvania Gas Market: Restructuring Today: "Pennsylvania Consumer Advocate Unusually Effective"
NEM Supports NYPSC Retail Policy Statement: Restructuring Today: "Marketers Take Hedging Risks or Utilities (the Public)
MADTE Chairman Participates in NEM Leadership Roundtable: Restructuring Today: "NEMA Meets with Mass Regulators as Market Opening Nears"
NEM on Utility Purchase of Receivables: Restructuring Today: "Marketers Ask NYPSC to Let RG&E Buy Receivables"
NEM Comments to PAPUC Inquiry on Gas Market Competitiveness: Restructuring Today: "Numbers Show Disaster of Pennsylvania's Retail Gas Mart"
Marketers Can Help Utilities Fund Infrastructure Upgrade: SNL Financial: Interview with Craig Goodman
Interview: Is Reliability Undervalued?: NEM CEO and President Craig G. Goodman discusses reliability as a commodity, its impact on infrastructure and the emergence of the new "Energy Services, Information Technology Industry."
NYPSC Policy Statement Repeals State Action Doctrine: Restructuring Today: "New York Regulators Question State Action Doctrine"
Restructuring Today Article on NEM Request for FCC-FERC MOU: Article on NEM's Comments on Jurisdictional Issues Associated with Broadband over Power Lines
NEM on FERC Jurisdiction over BPL Access & Pricing: Restructuring Today: "Major Decisions Up Ahead in Broadband via Powerlines"
Restructuring Today Article-NEM POLR Position to PAPUC: Article Discusses NEM's Comments and Presentation to the Pennsylvania PUC on Provider of Last Resort Service
Restructuring Today Article-NEM Comp. Retail Market Design: Article Discussing NEM's Comments to NYPSC on Competitive Transitional Retail Market Designs
Restructuring Today Article-NEM Urges End to Wet Sig. Reqts.: Article on NEM Comments to MDPSC Urging End to Wet Signature Requirements for Customer Enrollment
Restructuring Today April 29, 2004 Competitive Mkt Progress: RT Article Featuring NEM and Member Efforts to Open Markets and Change Business Rules
April 6, 2004 Restructuring Today Article on NEM Annual Mtg: RT Article on NEM Annual Meeting and Membership Conference - Chairman Wood Keynote
April 1, 2004 Restructuring Today Article: RT Article on NEM Annual Meeting and Membership Conference - Retail Panel, Chairman Wood Keynote, Congressman Barton Keynote and BPL Panel
The Public Interest in a 21st Century Global Economy: Article reexamining the Obligation to Serve
Could courts pro-Bell decision have serious energy impacts ?: Restructuring Today Article
Nem Members Offered New Technology: Restructuring Today Article on NEM entitled "NEM members give first shot at breakthrough technologies".
Safe Harbor Article: Safe Harbor Article
Restructuring Article May 2003: Restructuring Article May 2003
O&R Article: O&R Article
Article on June 03 Meeting: Article on June 03 Meeting
Article on Optimal Retail Rules Jun Jul 2003: Article on Optimal Retail Rules Jun Jul 2003
Competitive Neutrality Article: Competitive Neutrality Article
Ohio Marketers Article: Ohio Marketers Article
Energy Markets - Restructuring Issues For 2003: IN 2002, THE WHOLESALE MARKETERS for natural gas and electricity have faced credit, liquidity, accounting, disclosure, pricing and credibility crises (of enormous proportion). And yet, the industry has survived, albeit humbled, reorganized, wiser and far
Restructuring Today - Thursday, April 24th, 2003: Michigan plan for stranded costs to chill competition
Restructuring Today - Monday, April 7, 2003: National customer aggregation sought by NEMA
Restructuring Today - Friday, April 4, 2003: Barton describes what’s in bill just reported out & Marketers fear NY renewables standard
Restructuring Today - Friday, February 28th, 2003: Risk people reveal way to fix market
Restructuring Today - Tuesday, January 28, 2003: Big buyers plead that IOUs figure standed benefits
World Power - 2003: Restructuring issues for 2003
Restructuring Today - Tuesday, December 24th, 2002: NY lawmakers direct PSC to treat faily power retailers
Leadership in a Time of Crisis: by Craig Goodman - Energy Markets.
Clearinghouse Offerings to Boost Liquidity - RT: Restructuring Today - December 17, 2002
Restructuring Today - Tuesday, December 17th, 2002: Clearinghouse offerings to boost liquidity -- Goodman
NEM Members Creating Solutions to Liquidity and Credit : Crisis in the Energy Markets. NEM has developed and implemented products and services to solve liquidity, price transparency, risk management, creditworthiness and FASB 133 compliance issues
NEM Expresses Concern About Ontario Price Cap: NEM wrote Premier Eves to reconsider the 4-year price cap in Ontario effectively eliminating competition, undermining DSM and investment in new capacity.
Competitively Neutral Wholesale Markets are Critical: to the Industry. NEM supports FERC Proposals which would establish competively neutral and standardized platforms for the exchange of electricity and transmission services.
Financial Integrity, Consumer Aggregation Rights Critical to: Successful Restructuring. NEM has initiated a National Policy level Committee to address the concerns of National Energy Consumers.
NEM Says FTC Needs Uniform Rules to Implement E-Sign Bill: Nationally. NEM believes the piecemeal adoption from state to state of electronic signature laws is slowing growth of the commpetitive energy market.
NEM and EEI Create Master Netting Agreement: NEM and EEI created a Master Netting Agreement, which if approved by the courts will allow trading partners to net out their obligations to each other if one defaults.
Restructuring Today - November 25, 2002: Illinois' Retail Markets - PUC gathers critics' views of Retail Power Markets
Restructuring Today - Monday, November 18th, 2002: US marketers write Ontarios Eves
Leadership in a Time of Crisis: Energy Markets - October 2002, By Craig Goodman
Cooperation and Standardization: Energy Markets - September 2002, By Gary Michor
ROI and the Internet: Energy Markets - August 2002, By Bill Mahoney
Enhancing Credit Ratings: Energy Markets - July 2002, By Greg Keers
Restructuring Today - June 25, 2002: NARUC Chief Worries Markets got bad rap at NEM Conference.
Restructuring Today - June 11, 2002: Crisis Leads NEMA to refocus meeting for June 20-21, 2002
Tulsa World - June 9, 2002: NEM & Energy companies to develop power, gas guidelines
Power & Gas Marketing - March/April 2002: Standard Competitive Market Designs article by Craig Goodman
Restructuring Today - April 15, 2002: NEM FTC Comments on Telemarketing Sales Rule, Page 3
Gas Daily - February 19, 2002: Feinstein Proposal Goes Too Far, Craig Goodman cautions regulators and legislators not to overreact.
Energy Markets - Reviewing Antitrust Immunity: The Supreme Court should ensure regulated entities cannot unfairly compete in unregulated markets - By Craig E. Bennett - Trigen Energy Corp.
Energy Markets - Deregulation Equals More: The Overall Assessment of the benefits of choice - By Kevin Stoffer - President and CEO of Nicor Energy
Energy Markets - Managing Knowledge: Knowledge Management promises significant competitive advantage. By Patrick Hogan VP Content Value Management - Cedar
Restructuring Today - POLR Policy: Can Marketers, utilities agree on POLR Policy? Craig Goodman says yes - November 6, 2001
Restructuring Today - NEM seeks new antitrust disclaimer: Encourages NARUC members to adopt a standard disclaimer for contracts with utilities, November 1, 2001
Restructuring Today - October 3, 2001: NEM Sees Antitrust case win speeding market openings - Favorable Supreme Court Ruling could trigger massive speed-up in opening retail power markets.
Restructuring Today - October 2, 2001: Elec Marketers, ELCON, Oil Producers fight antitrust case in U.S. Supreme Court
Natural Gas Week - July 16, 2001: RTO Order Seen as Boon for Energy Marketers and DG Gas Demand Effect Unknown
Restructuring Today - NY Adopts Uniform Standards: For Billing and Exchange of Routine Business Info - Craig Goodman - "this is a big step forward"
Not Everyone Pleased with NYSEG Rate Freeze: Times Union - April 23, 2001. Craig Goodman Response.
California and the West - FERC to Consider Limits : On Power Costs - Los Angeles Times - April 23, 2001. NEM's Craig Goodman Response
Restructuring Today - NEM works with FTC: March 14, 2001, Way seen for uniform national codes that trump states rights.
Restructuring Today - January 29, 2001: Blocking new generation while demand surges can create havoc
NEM Adopts National Energy Technology Policy: Energy Markets Article - January, 2001
NEXT Markets - NEM wants NYSEG to Raise Shopping Credits: NEM asks NY PSC to increase or change the credit or will press ahead with lawsuit
Restructuring Today - NEM wants Tax Credits for Competition: Expand tax credits to modernize and upgrade computer systems to facilitate competition
Restructuring Today - Gov Bush on Energy in Texas: Texas will show leadership based on the Gov's pro-competition moves
NEXT Markets - Texas PUC Chairman Welcomes Marketers: Pat Wood told NEM Leadership group Texas wants to foster real retail competition.
Restructuring Today - September 6, 2000: NJ Fee Article - Incumbents Find Way To Block Competitors - The $25/mwh is a Confiscatory Tax
NEM Group Sees Internet Law Sparking Big Changes: McGraw-Hill Energy's NextMarkets- June 27, 2000
NEM Likes Electronic Signature Bill: Restructuring Today - June 27, 2000
Restructuring Today - NEM Default Service Policy Article: February 8, 2000. The most important issue for the development of retail energy markets is the design and pricing of default services
Bureau of National Affairs - NEM Default Service Article: February 8, 2000. Compeition could falter if customers are assigned to incumbent energy providers
Gas Daily - NEM Default Service Policy Article: February 8, 2000. The pricing of default services is critical to ensuring competition
NEMA's views on Uniform Business Rules: NEMA stress the importance of uniform business rules to the success of a national energy delivery system
Generation Week - NEMA Lead Story: Group Issues Merchant Plant Guidelines - Reprinted with Permission of the Financial Times Energy USA - 800-424-2908
BNA Article on NEMA's Merchant Plant Guidelines: NEMA issued national guidelines for the devlopment and financing of Merchant Power Plants
NEMA Views on Retail Choice: Independent Energy Article on industry views on retail choice
NEMA's Positions in New York Natural Gas Collaborative: NEMA's Official Hart's Publivcation Article for August 1999 discussing the Natural Gas Unbundling efforts in New York
NEMA Opposes New Tax on Electricty Competition: NEMA battles a surprise new tax on Electricity Competition
Story on Nema Conference: Restructuring today story on NEMA Conference.
NEMA Aides Small Marketers to be active in Restructuring : NEMA helps small marketers to be active in helping to shape the opportunities and regulations that are implelmenting the restructuring of the natural gas and electricity industries.
NEMA Battles New Tax on Electricity Transportation: NEMA filed a formal protest with the government of NY for imposting a new tax on electric competiton
About Nema Conference: Article about NEMA Conference
Restructuring today: Restructuring today article
Energy Connection Article: Energy Connection Article
Final Electricity Paper: Feb. 10, 1999
Final Uniform Code of Conducts: UCC Paper
NEMA's National Guidelines for Natural Gas Unbundling: This document is NEMA's National Guidelines for Unbundling the Natural Gas Distribution Function
Restructuring Article on National Guidelines: Restructuring Article on National Guidelines
Energy Daily 1-13-1999: New York Tax Could Kill Competition
Tax Break Ruling Angers Advocates of Cheaper Power: Tax Break Ruling Angers Advocates of Cheaper Power
Gas Daily: Gas Daily: New York Seeks Sales Tax on local carriage.
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