Choice Must Exist In Order to Serve the Public Interest and it Should Not be Complicated or Expensive.
The Energy Marketers Coalition (EMC) is a national advocacy group created and funded by the National Energy Marketers Association (NEMA). NEMA is a national, non-profit, trade association representing producers, generators, transporters and marketers of energy-related information, services, products, machinery and technology throughout the U.S. The Energy Marketers Coalition (EMC) includes members of the National Energy Marketers Association as well as marketing firms that are not members. Members of both NEMA and EMC are committed to working with regulatory commissions, consumer representatives, legislators and utilities to devise fair and meaningful ways to implement the final deregulation and competitive restructuring of U.S. markets for natural gas and electricity.
This site has been constructed to provide easy access to briefs, filings, white papers, comments and testimony filed by the National Energy Marketers Association (NEMA) and the Energy Marketers Coalition (EMC). Other parties or organizations that would like to share their documents are urged to contact our site administrator for instructions to get your material included on our site.
NEMA and EMC have intervened in proceedings in the states of California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Alabama and New York. We are creating and uploading documents as quickly as resources permit. Please be patient.
Click here for National Guidelines for Restructuring the Electric Generation, Transmission and Distribution Industries
Click here for Response of NEMA to the State of NY Dept. of Taxation and Revenue - Opinion of Counsel - Relating to Sales of Electric Transportation Services
Click here for Comments on NY State Department of Public Service
Draft Proposal for Uniform Retail Access Business Rules
Click here for the Multiple Intervenors' Reply Comments
On the Environmental Disclosure White Paper