September 14, 2012
| NEM Fall Leadership Roundtable | |
| NEM’s Fall Leadership Roundtable will be held October 15-17, 2012, at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center in Lansing, Michigan. NEM will host the Michigan Public Service Commission and its Staff. The Governor has been invited along with State Legislators and Auto Industry Officials. You may register at this hotlink. The current draft of the agenda is available at this hotlink.
When making your reservations at the Kellogg Center please contact (517) 432-3086, please identify yourself as a NEM Member and provide them with our Group Code EMA101512 to receive the preferred rate of $98.00 per night. The deadline to reserve a room is September 15th.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact NEM headquarters if you are interested in sponsorship. | |
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| Smart Meter Investigation | |
| In an Order issued this week, the Commission decided to study the health, safety and privacy aspects of the smart meters that Pepco will install as part of its AMI implementation. The Commission also determined to examine the feasibility of providing consumers the ability to opt out of Pepco's AMI program. The Order follows a letter received by the Commission from a D.C. Council committee requesting that a study be commissioned into the health, safety and privacy concerns of smart meters as well as the feasibility of an opt-out provision. The full text of the Order is available on the NEM Website. | |
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| Order on AMI and Customer Opt-Out Provisions | |
| The Commission issued an Order adopting a Staff report setting forth principles for AMI implementation in the State. Due to the concerns of certain consumers about data privacy and AMI, "the Staff recommends that an opt-out option be provided by the electric utilities. The Commission agrees that the investor-owned electric utilities (i.e., Alpena, Consumers, Detroit Edison, I&M, NSP-W, UPPCo, WEPCo, and WPSC) shall make available an opt-out option, based on cost-of-service principles, for their customers if or when the provider elects to implement AMI." DTE has already filed an opt-out proposal and Consumers was directed to do so. The Commission also ordered the opening of a new docket to study cybersecurity planning, standards, and policies for utilities implementing AMI. The full text of the Order is available on the NEM Website. | |
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| UGI GPC Unbundling Filing | |
| Pursuant to the Commission's Order on measures to facilitate retail gas market development, UGI made a filing to unbundle gas procurement charges from base rates to be recovered in a new Gas Procurement Charge (GPC) that will be included in the computation of the Price to Compare. UGI computes the GPC charge to be $0.0114 per Mcf. The unbundled costs are attributable to the labor and benefits costs associated with the procurement of gas supply. However, UGI is not proposing to remove working capital costs associated with gas in storage inventory from base rates because it does not release capacity to natural gas suppliers. UGI is also not proposing to unbundle from base rates any portion of the capital costs related to the IT gas management system used to support the gas procurement function. This results in unbundling $226,692 from UGI's base rates.
UGI argues that by adding the E-factor and the newly created GPC to its Price to Compare that it will, "create greater headroom for Suppliers' service offerings and should lead to a materially greater level of customer shopping. By way of example, including the current "e-factor," the current MFC and the newly created GPC in the PTC adds 65 cents or 11.1% to the current residential PTC for UGI." The full text of the UGI Filing is available on the NEM Website. | |
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