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August 27, 2010
NEM Upcoming Events

Please mark your calendar for NEM's Fall Leadership Roundtable on October 18-20, 2010, in Harrisburg, PA. The conference will take place at the Hilton Harrisburg on One North Second Street. You may register for the Fall Meeting in Harrisburg at this hotlink.

Our Annual Winter Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for January 17-19, 2011, in Miami at the famous Doral Hotel and Resort. Many Thanks to Doug Marcille, Vice Chair of NEM’s Executive Committee and CEO of US Gas and Electric for hosting this upcoming Executive Committee Meeting.

First Energy Solutions Nominated to NEM Executive Committee

NEM is pleased to announce that First Energy Solutions, a long-time member of the Association, has been nominated to NEM's Executive Committee. Tony C. Banks, Vice President, Product & Market Development, and Lou D’Alessandris, Manager, Market Intelligence, will represent FirstEnergy Solutions within NEM.

FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. is a top competitive energy supplier serving commercial and industrial business clients in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Based in Akron, Ohio, FirstEnergy Solutions is an unregulated retail energy business subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp., the nation's fifth largest investor-owned electric utility. FirstEnergy Solutions currently provides energy-related products and services to wholesale and retail customers, supplying electric generation to customers throughout Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and managing the energy and procurement needs for more than 120,000 accounts.

CFTC Seeks Submissions on OTC Derivative Regulations

In anticipation of the future rulemaking process to implement the Dodd-Frank Act on over-the-counter derivatives regulation, the CFTC is accepting submissions from stakeholders until it publishes its proposed rulemaking. CFTC has identified thirty areas in the Act for which a rulemaking will be needed under the following categories: Comprehensive Regulation of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants; Clearing; Trading; Data; Particular Products; Enforcement; Position Limits; and Other Titles and General Comments. To view the complete list of subject areas and submit electronic comments go to:

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Proceeding on Whether Curtailment Service Providers Should Be Licensed

The Commission has opened a proceeding on the advice of Staff to evaluate whether Curtailment Service Providers should be required to obtain a license, and if so, whether they should be required to submit periodic reports that contain necessary information to permit the Commission to assess the adequacy of Maryland’s electricity supply. Petitions to intervene are due September 2, 2010. Comments are due September 30, 2010, and reply comments are due October 22, 2010. The full text of the Order and Staff Filing are available on the NEM Website.

Click here to view all past updates.
NEM Reply Comments on Marketing Standards

NEM submitted reply comments in the marketing standards proceeding to respond to the comments of PULP and the Pennsylvania Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) that both recommended the prohibition of door-to-door sales. NEM urged the Commission to reject PULP and CAC’s suggestion to prohibit door-to-door sales. The proposed marketing standards represent the best practices and best guidance on door-to-door marketing practices that have been adopted in the various jurisdictions. NEM urged the Commission to allow marketers the opportunity to incorporate the marketing standards into their marketing practices before it considers restricting this important and viable sales venue. NEM submits that until marketers are allowed to demonstrate compliance with the new standards that it is premature to even consider the need to impose such a draconian restriction on the marketplace such as a prohibition on door-to-door sales. NEM cited the experience in New York wherein the NYPSC's adoption of marketing standards supported a significant reduction in consumer complaints. The full text of NEM's Reply Comments is available on the NEM Website.

Comment Sought on Rate Ready Billing Reports

The Commission issued both the Retail Markets Working Group Rate Ready Report and the Staff Rate Ready Report for comment. The Commission previously directed the RMWG to discuss whether the consensus plan for a Rate Ready billing platform developed for PPL by the Electronic Data Exchange Working Group could serve as a statewide model for Rate Ready billing platforms. The Commission directed the RMWG to submit a report and Commission Staff was directed to submit an independent recommendation to the Commission following its receipt and review of the RMWG report. Those reports have been now been filed. Comments are due September 22, 2010. The full text of the Reports are available on the NEM Website.

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