June 25, 2010
| NEM Upcoming Events | |
| NEM is planning Industry Policy Leadership Conferences in Pennsylvania and Illinois over the coming months. Please mark your calendars for July 14 and 15, 2010, in Chicago, Illinois. The conference will take place at the University Club of Chicago on 76 East Monroe Street. The Agenda is hotlinked here. You may register for the Summer Conference at this hotlink. Many thanks to Gateway Energy Services, U.S. Gas & Electric and Wal-Mart for sponsoring this Conference.
Please also mark your calendar for October 18-20, 2010, for Harrisburg, PA. The conference will take place at the Hilton Harrisburg on One North Second Street. You may register for the Fall Meeting in Harrisburg at this hotlink.
Our Annual Winter Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for January 17-19, 2011, in Miami at the famous Doral Hotel and Resort. Many Thanks to Doug Marcille, Vice Chair of NEM’s Executive Committee and CEO of US Gas and Electric for hosting this upcoming Executive Committee Meeting. | |
| National Action Plan on Demand Response | |
| The final National Action Plan on Demand Response was issued by FERC Staff. FERC was required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to develop the Plan to 1) identify the requirements for technical assistance to states to allow them to maximize the amount of demand response that can be developed and deployed; 2) design and identify requirements for implementation of a national communications program that includes broad-based customer education and support; and 3) develop or identify analytical tools for use by customers, states, utilities, and demand response providers. The Plan recommends the formation of a Coalition comprised of local, state, and federal government entities as well as utilities/load-serving entities, demand response providers, RTOs/ISOs, customers, consumer advocates, interest groups, and existing coalitions. The Coalition would serve as a forum for its stakeholders to coordinate implementation of the Plan. The full text of the National Action Plan on Demand Response is available at this hotlink. | |
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| Review of Current Status of Competitive Supplier and Aggegator Market and Marketing Practices and Conduct of Participants in that Market | |
| The Department opened a docket to review the current status of the competitive supplier and aggregator market in Connecticut. "The Department is undertaking the review to examine the growth of the market in Connecticut, to determine areas of success and failure, review market components in need of change and make recommendations for potential changes to programs. The Department will undertake a review of both the market practices and conduct of Connecticut Suppliers and Aggregators to ensure compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and Department decisions. In addition, the Department will focus on the relationship of Connecticut Suppliers and Aggregators with their customers and suppliers to confirm that the activities undertaken by Connecticut Suppliers and Aggregators are in comportment with their applications for a license or registration, as well as applicable statutes, regulations and Department decisions." The full text of the Request to Establish Docket is available on the NEM Website. | |
New Jersey
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| Board Review of Energy Competition Rules | |
| The Board is accepting comments as part of the readoption process for its existing Energy Competition Rules. The rules pertain to: Energy Anti-Slamming; Affiliate Relations; Public Utility Holding Company Standards; Energy Licensing and Registration; Government Energy Aggregation Programs; and Retail Choice Consumer Protection. The full text of the existing Energy Competition Rules can be viewed at this hotlink. Comments are due by July 15, 2010, to rule.comments@bpu.state.nj.us.
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| Preliminary 2011 Basic Generation Service Schedule | |
| The Board issued an Order establishing a proceeding to determine a process for Basic Generation Service (BGS) Fixed Price (FP) and Commercial and Industrial Energy Pricing (CIEP) procurement for the period beginning June 1, 2011. The preliminary schedule for 2011 BGS adopted by the Board is as follows:
July 1, 2010 - Utilities and Other Stakeholders to File BGS Proposals
July 23, 2010 - Discovery Request Deadline
August 6, 2010 - Discovery Response Deadline
August 27, 2010 - Deadline for Initial Comments on All Proposals
TBD - Legislative-Type Hearings
TBD - Public Hearings
September 24, 2010 - Deadline for Final Comments
Mid-November - Expected Board Decision on BGS Proposals
End of November - Utilities Compliance Filings
Mid-December - Expected Board Decision on Compliance Filing
February 2011 - Procurement Process for BGS Supply Requirements
The full text of the Order on Preliminary 2011 BGS Schedule is available from NEM headquarters. | |
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