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June 13, 2008
NEM Summer Executive Committee Meeting

Proliance has generously offered to host our Summer Executive Committee Meeting and Policy Leadership Elections on July 29 and 30, 2008, in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Please register for the meeting at this hotlink. The meeting will take place at the law offices of Krieg Devault LLP.

NEM has a courtesy room block until July 5, 2008, at the Embassy Suites at a discounted rate of $139/night. You must make your reservations by dialing them directly at (317) 236-1923 at your earliest convenience as they will release the rooms after the July 5 date, and the costs may increase. The location of the hotel is 110 West Washington Street in downtown Indy, 3 blocks from the meeting place.

There is no charge to attend this meeting. Please help us thank John Talley, President, and Kyle Hupfer, General Counsel, of Proliance for their generosity in hosting this meeting.

The Meeting will start between 9 and 10AM on Tuesday morning, July 29th, and adjourn before noon on Wednesday, July 30, 2008. An agenda and draft leadership nominations will be circulated, and each member is requested to forward nominations for policy leadership positions as well as issues that NEM must address and prioritize for the coming year.

The Summer Executive Committee Meeting is where the Executive Committee members agree on mid course corrections on the priorities for NEM advocacy for the remainder of 2008 and members who wish to sponsor upcoming events give us an indication so we may start planning the meetings and events for the remainder of 2008 and 2009.

If you have questions or would like to help plan or co-sponsor an event for the members, please contact headquarters. The upcoming meeting should be very substantive, and your participation is encouraged and would be appreciated.

Review of Wholesale Electricity Markets

FERC issued a second notice of conference to review wholesale electricity markets. The conference is scheduled for July 1, 2008, from 9:30AM to 4PM in the Commission's meeting room. Senior management and market monitors from ISONE, NYISO, PJM, CAISO, MISO, and SPP will discuss the current and future state of regional wholesale electricity markets. FERC Staff will review wholesale electric markets outside of the RTOs/ISOs. The full text of the Second Notice of Conference is available on the NEM Website.

Columbia Gas Transmission MLI Proceedings

In two filings last week, Columbia Gas Transmission and a group called Columbia Shippers made filings with FERC related to Columbia's announced plan to add nearly 120 Master List of Interconnect points (MLIs). Columbia made a proposed tariff filing the purpose of which it said was, "to clarify the historic nature of MLIs, its historic practice regarding its use of those MLIs, and its ability to change the list of MLIs without first seeking Commission approval . . ." Columbia notes its plan to add more MLIs would mean, "some MLIs will include fewer interconnect points and may cover a smaller geographic area." Columbia maintains that the MLIs are not essential terms in service agreements, nor will the change diminish the quality and flexibility of firm services on its system.

The Columbia Shippers complaint argues that Columbia's unilateral changes to its MLIs violates the Natural Gas Act, precedent, and Commission regulations and that Columbia's failure to disclose the MLI revisions in filing its "Navigates"-driven tariff changes is also violative of Commission regulation. Columbia Shippers maintain that this action could mean that, "the firm delivery rights Columbia's shippers contracted for will no longer enable shippers to serve the markets for which they obtained the capacity." This would entail a decrease in system flexibility. Moreover, the significant increase in delivery points will lead to increased transactional costs coincident with increased risk associated with new scheduling penalties.

The full texts of Columbia's Proposed Tariff Filing and the Columbia Shippers Complaint is available on the NEM Website.

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Consumers Electric Rate Case Order

The Commission issued an Order approving a $27 million increase in Consumers annual electric revenues. The Commission also decided a number of retail choice-related issues that were raised in the proceeding by NEM. Despite the ALJ's recommendation that Consumers be required to implement an electric POR program, the Commission declined to do so. Instead, the Commission stated that, "the concept for such a program should be investigated more thoroughly in the future." The Commission decided that Consumers should be required to retain its structured (consolidated) billing option and that current residential notice and 2-year minimum stay provisions associated with choice customers return to utility service should be changed to require a twelve-month minimum stay. The Commission declined to reestablish the choice education funding mechanism for electric utilities but did commit that it should stand ready to through its website, consumer alerts, mailers, news releases and community forums to provide choice information to the public. The Commission directed Consumers to include in its tariff a provision requiring the utility to give suppliers with all current balancing and energy delivery requirements data when a supplier newly enters the competitive market and to all suppliers when the requirements change. The full text of the Consumers Electric Order is available on the NEM Website.

New York
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State Energy Planning Board Issues Draft Work Scope

Earlier this year, New York Governor Paterson created the State Energy Planning Board by Executive Order. The Board is charged with developing a State Energy Plan that is due in final form by June 30, 2009, and that will be open for comment. The State Energy Plan is supposed to address long range energy policy objectives and strategies for achieving them. Ten-year demand forecasts and supply requirements for electricity, natural gas, coal and petroleum products are to be developed. The Plan is also to make a comparison of electric and natural gas utility rates charged to different customer classes versus rates charged by states competing with New York State for business. Energy price projections are also to be included in the plan.

The Board has released a Draft Work Scope for the 2009 New York State Energy Plan. It sets forth areas for proposd technical assessments and issue briefs.

Proposed technical assessments would include energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, natural gas, petroleum, coal, demand forecasts and price forecasts.

Proposed issue briefs would include meeting future energy needs; energy infrastructure needs; siting new energy infrastructure; energy costs and economic development; health impacts of energy use; environmental justice; meeting transportation needs and alternative transportation options; climate change; environmental impact and regulation of energy systems; and regional energy issues.

The Board is accepting comment on the Draft Work Scope. Comments are due July 8, 2008.

The full text of the Executive Order Creating the State Energy Planning Board and the Draft Scope of the 2009 New York State Energy Plan are attached and posted on the NEM Website.

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Comments for Electric Retail Markets Working Group

In the Commission’s Final Policy Statement on Default Service and Retail Electric Markets it, “identified a number of issues where opportunities exist to enhance customer choice and facilitate the development of retail markets. Robust, effective markets are [a] vital element of any post-rate cap price mitigation strategy.” As a result, the Commission announced the formation of a Retail Markets Working Group to examine such issues including information and data access, rate and bill ready billing, purchase of receivables, referral programs, supplier tariffs, and retail choice ombudsmen.

NEM's Comments recommend that: 1) Consumer information and data should be available to appropriate parties in a timely, accurate, low-cost and easily usable format; 2) In a competitive marketplace, consumers should be permitted a choice of billing options (marketer consolidated, utility consolidated, dual bill). The availability of rate and bill ready billing will enhance the availability of consumer billing options from their supplier of choice; 3) As long as a utility remains in the competitive commodity market, the efficient use of its legacy billing infrastructure through the implementation of a purchase of receivables program to the benefit of all consumers is and should be considered a best practice; 4) Marketer referral programs should be implemented by the utilities on a continued basis as a low risk option through which consumers can learn about and participate in energy choice; 5) The adoption of uniform supplier tariffs supports competitive suppliers ability to enter multiple utility service territories on a low cost, efficient basis; and 6) A retail choice ombudsman should be instituted at each utility and at the Commission as an integral element of facilitating retail market development. The full text of NEM's Comments is available on the NEM Website.

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