March 12, 2010
| NEM's 13th Annual National Energy Restructuring Conference | |
| NEM's 13th Annual National Energy Restructuring Conference - NEM will convene its 13th Annual National Energy Restructuring Conference at the Embassy Suites Hotel Washington D.C. Convention Center on April 27th & 28th, 2010. This year’s theme is “Renaissance in Energy Markets.” Topics of discussion will include Competitive Energy Supply, Demand, Prices and Economic Opportunities. Please use this hotlink to register for the event. We make your hotel reservations at the Embassy Suites Convention Center, Washington, DC at NEM's preferred rate of $289 per night per room.
We have already confirmed a number of key regulators and legislators and this promises to be a "can't miss" event. Confirmed participants include: Congressman James Clyburn, Majority Whip (D-SC); U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Ind-VT); Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) (invited); Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) (invited); Congressman Glenn Thompson, Jr. (R-PA); Jon Wellinghoff, FERC Chairman; Daniel Poneman, Deputy Secretary of Energy; Marc Spitzer, FERC Commissioner; Philip Moeller, FERC Commissioner; James Cawley, PAPUC Chairman; Alan Schriber, OH PUC Chairman; Douglas Nazarian, MDPSC Chairman; Manuel Flores, ICC Chairman; Orjiakor Osiogu, MIPSC Chairman; David Armstrong, KYPSC Chairman; Sharon Reishus, ME PUC Chairman; Betty Ann Kane, DCPSC Chairman; Stan Wise, GA PSC Vice Chairman; Erin O'Connell Diaz, ICC Commissioner; Robert Curry, NYPSC Commissioner; Catherine Pugh, MD State Senator; Jess Totten, TX PUC Director; Eric Matheson, PAPUC Energy Advisor; and Calvin Timmerman, MDPSC. | |
| Draft National Action Plan on Demand Response | |
| FERC Staff has released a Draft National Action Plan on Demand Response. The plan must be submitted to Congress as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The draft plan suggests that, "an agency of the federal government would lead and fund implementation of the National Action Plan with assistance from a panel of Coalition members. The federal agency would coordinate the creation and operation of the panel and federal agency staff would manage the implementation of the National Action Plan. The federal agency would be tasked with making strategic and day-to-day decisions such as setting priorities and managing the budget. The Coalition would provide assistance to the federal agency. The panel of coalition members would consist of volunteer leaders from individual companies, organizations, and state and local governments providing advice, strategic insights and expertise to the federal agency."
The draft plan sets forth three objectives:
1) technical assistance to states (experts, research and forums),
2) a national communications program (a Communications Umbrella, local implementation, and direct outreach to states, policymakers, and partners), and
3) the identification or development of tools and materials for use by customers, states and demand response providers (including a web-based clearinghouse).
Comments on the draft plan are due April 8, 2010. The full text of the Draft National Action Plan on Demand Response is available at this hotlink. | |
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| Commission Approves Plan to Increase Availability of Direct Access | |
| The Commission approved a plan to increase the availability of direct access. The plan implements provisions of SB695. Specifically, the plan provides that effective April 11, 2010, qualifying non-residential customers will be permitted to participate in direct access subject to phased annual caps. The phased-in increase will work as follows: 35% of total allowable DA sales will be permitted in year one, 35% in year two, 20% in year three, and 10% in year four. At the end of the phase-in period, approximately 11% of total retail sales will be served by competitive providers. The full text of the Plan is available at this hotlink. | |
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| Electric Rate Relief Panel Report | |
| The Electric Rate Relief Panel Report was released last week following meetings in January and February of certain stakeholders to address high electric rates in the state. The Report sets forth a series of recommendations including: 1) Ending retail competition for residential customers while retaining a competitive market for business customers; 2) Revising electric utilities’ procurement to permit them to buy power components separately, contract directly with generators, and allow long-term contracting; 3) Reducing the time period in laddered contracts for standard service offer customers; 4) Establishing a public power authority to procure power for small and medium size customers; and 5) Adopting a retail competitor code of conduct for participants in the retail electric market(competitive suppliers, aggregators, and brokers). The House Energy and Technology Committee plans to raise a bill on electric rate relief including the report recommendations and that it will hold a public hearing to gather comment on the recommendations. The full text of the Report is available on the NEM Website. | |
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| Maryland Legislature Considers Customer List and Consumer Education Legislation | |
| The Maryland House of Representatives is holding hearings today on two proposed bills to provide marketers with customer lists (HB1340) and to implement consumer education (HB1372). The Maryland Senate held a hearing on a customer list bill (SB799) on Tuesday and will have a hearing on a consumer education bill (SB942) next Wednesday. This bill's chief sponsor is Senator Catherine Pugh. NEM has filed testimony in support of the legislation and participated in the Senate's Tuesday hearing. The full text of NEM's Testimony is available on the NEM Website. | |
| Commission Review of Gas Hedging Practices | |
| The Commission decided to review the policies and the appropriate extent of natural gas hedging by the utilities for the summer storage injection season for the period April 2010 through October 2010. The Commission will also determine to determine whether to require the implementation of a temporary hedging program to reduce the risk of higher prices during the winter heating season. The utilities were directed to answer the following questions:
"1) Compare the weighted average cost of sales gas during the most recent heating season with the weighted average cost of gas for the prior two heating seasons.
2) Provide a summary of the Utility’s assessment of the gas market’s operational and financial characteristics during the upcoming gas year.
3) Provide an estimate to the Utility’s total needed volume of gas for the upcoming year.
4) Of that volume, how much is expected to be acquired during the injection season?
i. How does that compare to injection volumes during the prior two injection seasons?
ii. What price does the company expect to pay for storage gas?
iii. How does the price compare to historical prices during the previous two injection seasons.
b. Of that volume, how much is expected to be acquired during the next heating season?
i. How does that compare to flowing volumes during the prior two injection seasons?
ii. What price does the company expect to pay for flowing gas?
iii. How does the price compare to historical prices during the previous two heating seasons.
5) In the absence of any specific Commission direction, what are the Utility’s hedging plans for the upcoming gas year?
a. If the Utility plans to use financial hedging instruments for either storage gas or flowing winter gas, provide an evaluation of why the use of various financial hedging instruments such as futures, options, swaps is or is not beneficial for customers.
6) In the event the Commission orders a 2010 Summer Storage Injection Season hedging plan, provide an estimated timeframe to implement a summer hedging program for 2010, and a percentage of the summer storage which would be appropriate to include in a 2010 summer hedging program.
7) For each year that the Utility used financial hedges, provide a comparison of the weighted average cost of gas that resulted from the Utility’s procurement practices with an estimate of the weighted cost of gas in the absence of any financial hedging.
8) For a multi-jurisdictional Utility, for each of the past three gas years, compare the gas acquisition practices and the resulting weighting average cost of gas in Maryland with the acquisition practices and the resulting weighting average cost of gas experienced in each of the Utility’s other jurisdictions."
The full text of the Notice Initiating Proceeding is available at this hotlink. | |
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