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January 8, 2010
Winter Executive Committee Meeting

January 2010 Executive Committee Meeting - NEM’s Annual Winter Executive Committee Policy and Planning Meeting will be held January 19 & 20, 2010, at the headquarters of South Carolina Research Authority in Charleston, South Carolina. NEM’s room rate has been secured at $129.00 per room per night at the Hilton Garden Inn Charleston Airport, 5265 International Blvd., N. Charleston, SC 29418. The Executive Committee sets the course for NEM’s advocacy in the coming year at this meeting. The Meeting Agenda is hotlinked here. Many thanks to Bill Mahoney and South Carolina Research Authority for the generous offer to host this meeting. Please use this hotlink to register.

Conference on RTO/ISO Responsiveness

FERC has announced the date and agenda for the technical conference on RTO/ISO responsiveness. The staff technical conference will be convened on February 4, 2010, from 12:30PM to 4:30PM. The technical conference is intended to be a forum for participants to discuss issues related to the responsiveness of RTOs/ISOs to their customers and other stakeholders. The conference will include two panel discussions, the first panel will discuss stakeholder process and the second panel will discuss board process and other governance issues. The full text of the Notice Providing Agenda for Technical Conference is available on the NEM Website.

Google Energy Files for Market Based Rate Authority

Google Energy filed an application with FERC requesting authorization to make sales of electric energy, capacity and ancillary services at market based rates. As described in its application, Google Energy, "was formed to identify and develop opportunities to contain and manage the cost of energy for Google. In addition to engaging in sales of electricity that are unregulated by the Commission, Applicant proposes to act as a power marketer, purchasing electricity and reselling it to wholesale customers. Applicant may also engage in other, non-jurisdictional, activities to facilitate efficient trade in the bulk power market, such as arranging services in related areas such as transmission and fuel supplies. All transactions between Applicant and its purchasers will be at rates negotiated between the parties to the transaction." The full text of the Google Energy Application is available on the NEM Website.

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BGE Gas Choice and Reliability Charge Filing

BGE filed a proposed tariff revision pertaining to its Gas Choice and Reliability Charge (GCRC). This GCRC mechanism is intended to recover IT costs incurred by BGE to make system changes to implement RM35 to provide gas POR and also to implement uniform electronic transactions. As set forth in the proposed tariff revision, "The rate for all firm distribution customers (exclusive of customers equipped with Daily Metering Equipment) is $(0.0010) per therm. The rate for customers equipped with Daily Metering Equipment electing Standby Service is $(0.0021) per therm. The rate charged to Suppliers will be the rate for POLR Capacity cost adjusted for Gross Receipt Taxes and PSC Assessment. The rate for Suppliers is $0.0199 per therm." The full text of BGE's Filing is available on the NEM Website.

EDI Workgroup Reestablished

The Commission reestablished the EDI workgroup in order to address EDI transaction standards and procedures to implement recently adopted COMAR 20.53 regulations, including POR. Staff is to facilitate the EDO workgroup to be comprised of stakeholders from the electric utiltiies, marketers, and consumers. The Commission noted that the EDI workgroup also may wish to address EDI housekeeping issues and consistency with regional standards and procedures, as needed. The full text of the Notice Establishing Workgroup is available on the NEM Website.

New York
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Comments Sought on ConEd Contest Period EDI Filing

The Commission previously approved a petition requesting that it establish a marketer contest period in the Uniform Business Practices. Specifically, the contest period would permit an incumbent marketer (with customer authorization) to cancel a pending enrollment with a subsequent marketer. The contest period will be effectuated through EDI transaction standards. ConEd filed three proposed EDI documents in November 2009 to implement a contest period. The Commission is requesting comments on ConEd's filing. Comments are due February 8, 2010. The full text of the ConEd EDI Filing is available at this hotlink.

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