| NEM Comments on Draft Comprehensive Energy Strategy | |
| NEM filed comments on the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s (DEEP’s) draft Comprehensive Energy Strategy for the State of Connecticut. While the draft Strategy recommended expanding consumers ability to use natural gas as a fuel type, NEM recommended that the Strategy also include providing consumers with the choice of natural gas supplier. NEM's comments noted that gas choice programs will result in downward pressure on prices, innovation of products and services, more efficient utilization of utility capital, increased Connecticut jobs and enhanced environmental benefits. NEM's comments identified a number of elements that should be incorporated into the structure of well-functioning, competitive retail gas choice programs. This includes market-based pricing and utility rate unbundling, utility non-recourse Purchase of Receivables programs, capacity release programs, consumer education about the availability of choice, referral programs, data sharing between utilities and suppliers, and the institution of Commission and utility ombudspersons. The full text of NEM's Comments is available on the NEM Website. | |